Muzindutsi, Paul-FrancoisMasango-Muzindutsi, Zandile2025-02-282025-02-282024Muzindutsi, P.-F. and Masango-Muzindutsi, Z. 2024. Attitude of undergraduate students toward leisure activities. Management and Economics Review. 9(2): 216-224. doi:10.24818/mer/2024.02-012501-885X purpose of this study was to explore the attitude of undergraduate students towards leisure activities focussing on first-year and senior (2nd and 3rd year) students. A sample of 427 students enrolled in a South African University was selected to meet the analytical needs of the study. The instrument used is based on the Leisure Attitude Scale developed by Beard and Ragheb (1982). The results indicated that, overall, the study subjects are associated with positive attitudes towards leisure activities. One-way ANOVA procedure revealed a statistically significant difference between junior and senior students in overall leisure attitude and within cognitive and behavioural subscales. Pearson’s Correlation Analysis showed a significant positive correlation between the overall LAS and different sub-scales.9 penLeisure activityLeisure attitude scaleSouth AfricaUniversity studentsAttitude of undergraduate students toward leisure activitiesArticle2025-02-2010.24818/mer/2024.02-01