Nagle, Susan Margaret2007-10-102007-10-102007306134 (Masters in Technology: Homeopathy), Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2007The epidemic proportion of ADD/ADHD diagnosis is gaining widespread attention from parents, educators, doctors and other health care providers. Parents are seeking alternatives, as they are concerned about the use and side effects of methylphenidate hydrochloride (e.g. Ritalin®, Adaphen®, Concerta®) and other conventional drugs used to treat the symptoms of ADD/ADHD (Badat, 2004 and Picton, 2004). The aim of this research was to document the current practices of registered homoeopathic practitioners, with regard to Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). In addition, their perceptions regarding aeitiology, treatment, management and success rate was investigated. This research took the form of a qualitative-quantitative survey (questionnaire) targeting homoeopaths practicing in the Johannesburg Metropolitan Area317 penHomeopathyAttention-deficit hyperactivity disorderAttention-deficit-disordered childrenAttention-deficit-disordered childrenHyperactive children--Homeopathic treatmentBehavior disorders in children--Homeopathic treatmentAttention-deficit-disordered children--Homeopathic treatmentA survey of the perceptions and management of ADD/ADHD by homoeopathic practitioners in the Johannesburg metropolitan areaThesis