Royce, Nicholas2008-02-112008-02-112005DIT112549 (Masters in Technology: Chiropractic), Durban Institute of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2005.To assess and quantify the number, severity and specific location of myofascial trigger points within the shoulder rotator muscle group. To assess the internal/external ratio of the dominant shoulder in throwing athletes using a Cybex 700 dynamometer, after intervention and to establish a comparable clinical profile of the participants.187 penChiropracticShoulder painSports medicineChiropractic--Dissertations, AcademicMyofascial pain syndromesThe effectiveness of needling of myofascial trigger points on internal- external muscle peak torque and total work ratios of the shoulder rotator myoatatic unit in overhead throwing athletes suffering from myofascial pain and dysfunction syndromeThesis