Thoola, Tebello Paul2007-10-182007-10-182007307586 (Masters in Marketing), Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2007The aim of this research is to evaluate students’ perceptions toward the market orientation of Proudly South Africa companies at Durban University of Technology. The Proudly South African campaign is currently very topical, having become a visible brand in its own right within the period of ten years, with the primary objective of creating job opportunities, supporting local companies by buying products that are produced within the boundaries of South Africa and to initiate nationalism among South Africans.172 penBrand loyalty--South AfricaConsumer satisfaction--South AfricaLocal foods--South AfricaMarketing--Dissertations, AcademicBrand name products--South AfricaEndorsements in advertising--South AfricaEndorsements in advertising--South AfricaConsumers' preferences--South AfricaThe market orientation of proudly South African companies : students' perceptionsThesis