Reddy, Kevin P.Govender, MegandhrenMaharaj, Sunil2017-02-202017-02-202015-04Reddy, K.P.; Govender, M. and Maharaj, S. D. 2015. Impact of anisotropic stresses during dissipative gravitational collapse. General Relativity and Gravitation. 47: 1-13.0001-7701 (print)1572-9532 (online) employ a perturbative scheme to study the evolution of a spherically symmetric stellar body undergoing gravitational collapse in the presence of heat dissipation and anisotropic stresses. The Bowers and Liang static model is perturbed, and its subsequent dynamical collapse is studied in the linear perturbative regime. We find that anisotropic effects brought about by the differences in the radial and tangential pressures render the core more unstable than the cooler surface layers. An analysis of the temperature profiles in the interior of the collapsing body shows that the temperature is enhanced in the presence of pressure anisotropy.13 penDissipative collapseAnisotropic stressesCausal thermodynamicsImpact of anisotropic stresses during dissipative gravitational collapseArticle