Abbu, Allan Robert2007-10-222007-10-222006301711 (M.Tech.: Marketing)-Dept. of Marketing, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2006Consumer attitudes play an important role when it comes to waste management. Consumers, who purchase any number of packaged goods also dispose of or discard waste in large quantities. In the business sector the introduction of new technologies in the production cycle is imperative, and this technology involves discovering more cost effective methods of reducing and reusing solid waste as a resource. The challenge for the eThekwini Municipality is to discover ways to reduce the volume of waste disposed at the landfills. This study determines the attitudes of consumers towards curbside recycling specifically within the eThekwini municipal region. This study focuses on various theories and evaluates ways in which waste prevention and reduction initiatives can be employed to protect the depletion of natural resources.164 penConsumers--South Africa--AttitudesWaste minimisation--South AfricaMarketing--Dissertations, AcademicRecycling (Waste, etc.)--South AfricaConsumers--South Africa--AttitudesConsumer attitudes towards curbside recycling of waste within the eThekwini municipality areaThesis