Kekana, Marino2011-08-012011-08-012003 published in: Composite Structures, Vol. 50, No. 1, 2003.This study examines an active control model in which the open circuit mode is assumed. A finite element model in which only the displacement field is approximated is developed. The charge–potential relationship is incorporated into the finite element model. This results in a model for controlling the shape of a piezo-elastic structure. This model is then used to simulate a structure in the active control mode at zero amplifier gain. Results show that piezo-electric control forces persist at zero amplifier gain. Also, a structure in the active control mode at zero amplifier gain is shown to be stiffer than it is in the passive mode. This implies that piezo-electric control forces persisting at zero amplifier gain have a significant contribution in the analysis when this control model is used.pp. 129-135 (7 p.)enThe electronic version of the article published in Composite Structures 2003, 50(1): 129-135 © 2003 copyright Elsevier. Composite Structures available online at: static shape control model for piezo-elastic composite structuresArticle10.1016/S0263-8223(02)00184-8