Abdul-Rasheed, AshuraThandar, YasmeenNiemand, Lori Louise2024-10-062024-10-062024https://hdl.handle.net/10321/5558A dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Master’s degree of Technology in Chiropractic at the Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2024.Background Chiropractors are primary healthcare providers who provide a holistic form of healthcare for the treatment and management of neuromusculoskeletal disorders. The South African chiropractic scope of practice includes dietary advice or supplement recommendations in adjunct to other treatment options when managing a patient. Chiropractors treat a variety of runners of diverse levels, ages, genders and who participate in various domains of running. Runners are at a high risk of developing musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions, with numerous risk factors identified in literature. Musculoskeletal conditions may have a negative impact on a runner’s recovery, performance, quality of life, psychosocial wellbeing and cause financial burdens. Chiropractic treatment is often used to manage MSK conditions in runners but it is unknown what role the utilisation of vitamins and minerals may have in the management of conditions in runners. The utilisation of vitamins and minerals by chiropractors when managing runners has not been investigated; thus, it is unknown how chiropractors prescribe, dispense, or provide nutritional education to runners. The type of supplement recommended for certain conditions in runners remains unknown and the influence that supplementation may have in the management of runners is also unknown. The benefits of understanding supplement utilisation methods by chiropractors will assist the profession in the prevention, treatment and management of MSK conditions in runners. Improved treatment outcomes will assist runners’ recovery, performance and injury rates and promote beneficial outcomes in the chiropractic profession. Aim of the study The study aims to explore the utilisation of vitamins and minerals by chiropractors in the management of MSK conditions in runners. Methodology The study employed a qualitative, exploratory descriptive design to investigate how chiropractors utilise vitamins and minerals in the management of MSK conditions in runners. Interviews were conducted with 15 South African chiropractors, guided by predetermined open-ended questions in a semi-structured manner. The participants needed to be registered with the Allied Health Professions Council of South Africa (AHPCSA), practicing for a minimum of three years, regularly treat runners, and recommend nutritional supplements to runners. The research questions asked chiropractors how they utilise vitamins and minerals when they manage MSK conditions in runners; what type of supplements they advise; for what conditions do they advise supplements; and if supplementation had an influence in the management of runners. The data were analysed to identify themes and sub-themes, using Tesch’s method of data analysis. Results From the data, four main themes with their associated sub-themes emerged. The themes described the active utilisation of nutritional supplements by chiropractors for runners. Sub themes described the factors and reasoning for the recommendation of supplements to runners by the chiropractors. Furthermore, supplement recommendations were identified for both MSK and non-MSK conditions in runners. The data revealed the type of supplements which the chiropractors recommended for certain conditions in the runners. A positive influence of supplementation in runners was reported by the chiropractors. The sub-themes described improvements in the treatment outcomes after supplementation, improved recovery and performance of the runner, and decreased injury rates. A theme of holistic management of runners by chiropractors emerged, which included the use of dietary advice, monitoring of supplementation and interdisciplinary care of the runner when necessary. Conclusion This study determined how chiropractors selected, prescribed and dispensed nutritional supplements to runners. This study revealed which nutritional supplements the chiropractors recommended to runners and for certain MSK and non-MSK conditions, as well as the influence of supplementation in runners. As previous literature has not investigated the recommendation of supplements by chiropractors in runners, this study generated new information to fill a gap in the literature.130 penChiropracticVitamins and mineralsNutritional supplementsNutritional adviceMusculoskeletal conditionsRunnersRunningAn exploration into the utilization of vitamins and minerals by chiropractors in the management of musculoskeletal conditions in runnersThesishttps://doi.org/10.51415/10321/5558