Dorasamy, Nirmala2014-09-022014-09-022013-11Dorasamy, N. 2013. Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethical Banking for Developing Economies. Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies. 5911). 777-785.2220-6140 social responsibility is being increasingly considered vital for organizational success and sustainable growth, especially in view of corporations operating in an environment with multiple stakeholder interests. Investment in CSR should not been seen as an expense, but rather the allocation of resources to strengthen relationships with stakeholders in an endeavour to reap the multifaceted benefits of such investments Financial institutions like banks need to be seen as leading organizations who engage in social activities that uplift society, the environment and economy. The article analyses significant areas of corporate social responsibility for banks which are integral for customers, government, suppliers, citizens, employees and global partners for enhancing the responsibility of banks to a diverse range of stakeholders who have an interest in the banks. This ‘common good’ reputation can provide several advantages to banks which further impacts on the performance of banks.9 penCorporate social responsibilityEthical bankingDeveloping economiesStakeholder interestsCorporate Social Responsibility and Ethical Banking for Developing EconomiesArticle10.22610/jebs.v5i11.450