Adewumi, Emmanuel OlusegunAllopi, Dhiren2015-06-252015-06-252014-04Adewumi, E. and Allopi, Prof. D. 2014. An appropriate Bus Rapid Transit System. The International Journal of Science & Technology. 3(4) : 248-254.2049-7318 Rapid Transit (BRT) has been adopted as an improvement on regular bus services through the combination of features like infrastructure changes that resulted in better operation speeds and service reliability. In this regards, it does pose a problem in selecting a BRT that is most suitable for a particular area/region. Hence, this study suggests an appropriate BRT system during in-depth literature review. To be able to select the appropriate vehicle option for a BRT system for a particular area/corridor, the transport demand, coverage/distance to be covered and length of public transport delay due to general traffic condition must be put into proper consideration. In terms of cost implication, median BRT system and kerbside BRT system should be selected over segregated BRT system.7 penBus Rapid Transit SystemCorridorTransport DemandSpeedAn appropriate Bus Rapid Transit SystemArticle