Zloshchastiev, Konstantin G.2017-02-092017-02-092016-06Zloshchastiev, K. G. 2016. Non-Hermitian Hamiltonian Approach for Electromagnetic Wave Propagation and Dissipation tn Dielectric Media.2016 9th International Kharkiv Symposium on Physics and Engineering of Microwaves, Millimeter and Submillimeter Waves (MSMW) : https://doi.org/10.1109/MSMW.2016.7538192978-1-5090-2267-0 (online)978-1-5090-2266-3 (CD-ROM)978-1-5090-2268-7 (print)http://hdl.handle.net/10321/2246Using the formal analogy between a certain class of Maxwell equations and the Schrdinger equation, we derive the effective Hamiltonian operator that governs the propagation of electromagnetic (EM) wave modes inside nonconducting linĀ­ear media, which include a large range of nanophotonic and plasmonic waveguides. It turns out that this Hamiltonian is essentially non-Hermitian, and thus requires a special treatment. We formulate the density operator approach for dynamical systems with non-Hermitian Hamiltonians, and derive a master equation that describes the statistical ensembles of EM wave modes. The method provides a theoretical instrument which can be used when designing the next generation of quantum EM devices for sensitive and non-invasive measurements.4 p.enElectromagnetic wave propagationNonĀ­Hermitian HamiltoniansDensity operatorOpen systemsNon-Hermitian Hamiltonian Approach for Electromagnetic Wave Propagation and Dissipation tn Dielectric MediaPresentation