Naicker, ShavaniMaharaj, Sunil D.Brassel, Byron P.2024-08-152024-08-152023-01Naicker, S., Maharaj, S.D. and Brassel, B.P. 2023. Isotropic perfect fluids in modified gravity. Universe. 9(1): 1-77. doi:10.3390/universe90100472218-1997 (Online)isidoc: 8A5PV generate the Einstein–Gauss–Bonnet field equations in higher dimensions for a spherically symmetric static spacetime. The matter distribution is a neutral fluid with isotropic pressure. The condition of isotropic pressure, an Abel differential equation of the second kind, is transformed to a first order nonlinear canonical differential equation. This provides a mechanism to generate exact solutions systematically in higher dimensions. Our solution generating algorithm is a different approach from those considered earlier. We show that a specific choice of one potential leads to a new solution for the second potential for all spacetime dimensions. Several other families of exact solutions to the condition of pressure isotropy are found for all spacetime dimensions. Earlier results are regained from our treatments. The difference with general relativity is highlighted in our study.17 penEinstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravityRelativisitic fluidsStatic metrics5101 Astronomical sciences5107 Particle and high energy physicsIsotropic perfect fluids in modified gravityArticle2024-08-1410.3390/universe9010047