Morris, Brendon2007-10-042007-10-042007307227 dissertation submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master in Technology: Emergency Medical Care, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2007.Strong earthquakes are frequent catastrophic disasters occurring worldwide and often lead to structural collapse of buildings. Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) is the specialised process of locating, extricating and providing immediate medical treatment to victims trapped in collapsed structures. This research project aimed to identify the key preparedness efforts necessary by an earthquake affected country to ensure best coordinated use of international USAR assistance.229 penEmergency medical servicesRescue workEarthquakesEmergency medical services--Communication systemsEmergency medical services--UtilizationEmergency medical services--Dissertations, AcademicEmergency medicineRescue workPreparedness required for ensuring best coordinated use of international urban search and rescue assistance by earthquake affected countriesThesis