Moodley, LoganeeDamases, Christine2007-10-122007-10-122006306136 thesis in fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Technology: Radiography, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2006.The study will determine the sulphur dioxide (SO2) levels in the x-ray department and evaluate it’s effects on the health of the radiology workers. The aim of the study is to mainly create awareness of occupational hazards posed by processing chemistry to radiology workers.147 penRadiography--NamibiaIndustrial hygieneIndustrial safetyRadiography--Equipment and suppliesRadiography--Processing--Environmental aspectsSulphur dioxide--Physiological effectAn evaluation of sulphur dioxide fume levels and the prevalence of darkroom disease symptoms amongst radiology workers in NamibiaThesis