The impact of online delivery on the Financial Accounting III curriculum : a student perspective at Durban University of Technology (DUT)
Joshua, Kim Mary
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The study aimed to determine whether the current online technological platforms support
teaching, learning and assessment of the Financial Accounting III (FA3) module at the
Durban University of Technology. The study explored the effectiveness of the emergency
change of the Financial Accounting III module curriculum delivery on students’ ability to learn
and be assessed. This study also examined the impact of online accounting curriculum
delivery on the Financial Accounting III students at Durban University of Technology,
Durban. The following questions premised the research. Is the online curriculum effective in
supporting all Financial Accounting III students’ learning? What are the challenges
experienced by Financial Accounting III students in terms of the change to online curriculum
delivery? What must be done to enhance online curriculum delivery to promote students’
learning and performance? The researcher adopted a quantitative method for the study. A
census approach allowed the entire population of 800 students completing the Financial
Accounting III modules an equal opportunity to participate in this study. The study revealed
that 34% of the target population gave feedback on their experience. The target population
of Financial Accounting III students were selected due to their experience with both
traditional and online pedagogies in their diploma qualifications. This study’s findings
revealed that students have adjusted to how they experience teaching, learning and
assessments. The study revealed an urgent need to train students and facilitators. Due to
the global Covid-19 pandemic, the transition from traditional to online pedagogy took place
with very little student and academic training. Interestingly, Financial Accounting III students
embraced the pedagogical change. Even though the two technological platforms used
during this transition phase of curriculum delivery did not cater for discipline-specific needs,
these online platforms were user-friendly and easy to connect with academic staff, tutors,
and peers.
Submitted in fulfillment of the degree requirements of Master of Accounting, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2023.
Financial accounting, Online curriculum