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The effectiveness of the ISO 9001:2000 quality management standard on performance and customer satisfaction at a selected organisation

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Over the years, organisations have been criticised for implementing the ISO 9000 Quality Management Standards purely as a marketing strategy without any commitment to improving quality and customer satisfaction. This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of the ISO 9001:2000 quality management standard on performance and customer satisfaction. The objectives of the study included determining the level of effectiveness of the ISO 9001:2000 quality management with respect to enhanced leadership, continuous improvement and customer satisfaction; ascertaining the extent to which ISO 9004 and other business improvement approaches that were used to improve the performance of the organisation and determining the level of customer complaints before and after ISO 9001:2000 certification. This research investigation involved the case study approach which utilised both the qualitative and quantitative methodologies. The latter involved the analysis of the organisation’s production and customer complaints data pre- and post ISO 9001:2000 certification as well as the responses to the closed-ended questions in the questionnaire, while the former entailed an analysis of the responses to the open-ended questions in the questionnaire and a search of the literature to corroborate the findings of this study. Thirty-one of the fiftytwo employees of the organisation completed and returned the questionnaire that was administered. This represented a 60% response rate. The responses to the questionnaire were influenced by the employees’ level of training, knowledge and experience of the ISO 9001 quality management standard. Thus, the results cannot be generalised to other ISO 9001 certified organisations. The pre- and post study revealed that the level of customer complaints decreased following ISO 9001:2000 certification. Analysis of the responses to the questionnaire indicated that the ISO 9001:2000 quality management standard was, in most instances, perceived to be effective in ensuring customer satisfaction, leadership and continuous improvement. For future research, it is recommended that researchers investigate the impact of continuous improvement teams and the introduction of appropriate business improvement approaches on organisational performance and customer satisfaction in ISO 9001 certified organisations.


Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Master of Technology: Quality, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2010.






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