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Product tactics in a complex and turbulent environment viewed through a complexity lens

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Mason, Roger Bruce

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The Business Review, Cambridge


This paper is based on the proposition that the choice of different product tactics is influenced by the nature of the firm’s external environment. It illustrates the type of product activities suggested for a complex and turbulent environment, when viewing the environment through a chaos and complexity theory lens. A qualitative, case method, using depth interviews,investigated the product activities in two companies to identify the product activities adopted in a more successful, versus a less successful, firm in a complex/turbulent environment. The results showed that the more successful company uses some destabilizing product activities but also partially uses stabilizing product activities. These findings are of benefit to marketers as they emphasize a new way to consider future product activities in their firms. Since businesses and markets are complex adaptive systems, using complexity theory to understand how to cope in complex, turbulent environments is necessary, but has not been widely researched, with even less emphasis on individual components of the marketing mix.



Product tactics, Complexity lens


Mason, R.B. 2012. Product Tactics in a Complex and Turbulent Environment Viewed Through a Complexity Lens. The Business Review, Cambridge 20(1): 144-150.