Integrated life cycle assessment and system dynamics model for prediction of cement production and environmental impact of cement industry
Ige, Oluwafemi Ezekiel
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Cement is one of the most produced materials globally. The cement industry faces
significant environmental challenges due to high raw materials usage and energy
consumption, resulting in emissions that are global and local environmental concerns.
The industry faces challenges globally in reducing its carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions
while saving material and energy resources. The cement industry contributes to high
global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions due to the calcination of raw materials and fuel
burning. Globally, cement plants are among the sectors with the highest energy
consumption and the highest release of potentially harmful health-threatening carbon
dioxide (CO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulphur dioxide (SO2), and dust particles. This study
focused on Portland cement production and environmental impact-related problems and
found the best ways to discuss the potential policies and scenarios to reduce CO2
emissions and ensure sustainable cement production while maintaining the strength of
the equipment and the quality of the plant production requirement. Since the cement
industry's environmental impacts are expected to increase, assessing the cement
production and carbon emissions produced at each stage of the cement life cycle is
compulsory to mitigate these environmental impacts.
Life cycle assessment (LCA) has been used in many studies to assess the environmental
impact of cement production and investigate ways to improve environmental
performance. In this thesis, the first step uses life cycle impact assessment (LCIA)
based on the Recipe 2016 v 1.04 midpoint and endpoint methods to investigate the
environmental impact of 1 kg of Portland cement produced in South Africa using
Ecoinvent database v3.7.1, integrated with SimaPro 9.1.1. software to assess the impact
categories. The study was conducted using data modelled from South African cement
plants and uses a cradle-to-gate system boundary. The integration method includes data
collected between 2000 and 2017 on cement production and real GDP. Data on cement
production were obtained from the South African greenhouse gas inventory report of
2017. The data on South Africa’s real GDP in US dollars were obtained from World
Economics. The LCA-SD framework of cement production in South Africa involves three
main stages, (i) gathering data for key LCA processes, (ii) assessing the impacts of production processes using LCA SimaPro 9.1.1 software and (iii) integrating the results
of the LCIA as input variables with system dynamics (SD) to predict the possible future
dynamic and long-term environmental impact of cement production in South Africa. An
integrated LCA-SD methodology is used to assess and predict the environmental impacts
of the cement industry.
This research uses the LCA method together with the system dynamics framework in the
form of a mathematical model to study how to reduce GHGs in cement production. The
possible dynamics of cement production and the long-term environmental impact of
cement production in South Africa were investigated using these methods. According to
the results, clinker production and electricity usage stages contribute the most to
atmospheric impact (global warming, which causes climatic change due to high CO2
emissions), followed by raw materials and fuel consumption, contributing to the toxicity
and resource depletion impact category. These stages contribute more than 76% of CO2
eq. and 93% of CFC-11 eq. In the midpoint method, CO2 is the most significant pollutant
released. Among the three main damage categories in the endpoint method, human
health is the most affected by releasing substances into the air during Portland cement
production. The clinkering stage is the most harmful production stage for human health
and the ecosystem since it produces the highest amounts of CO2 gas.
From our projections, the pollutant outputs of cement production in South Africa will
approximately double by the year 2040, with the associated long-term impact of an
increase in global warming. The proposed LCA-SD model methodology enables us to
predict the future dynamics of cement production and its long-term environmental impact,
which is the primary research objective. Using these results, several policy changes are
suggested for reducing emissions, such as introducing more eco-blended cement
production, carbon budgets and carbon tax.
Submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Engineering (D.Eng.) in the Department of Industrial Engineering, Durban Univesity of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2023.