Theorising the #MustFall student movements in contemporary South African higher education : a social justice perspective
Hlatshwayo, Mlamuli Nkosingphile
Kehdinga, George Fomunyam
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University of Pretoria - ESI Press
A significant amount of literature on the student movement in South Africa is characterised
by two limitations. Firstly, a significant amount of this literature is found in un‑academic and
non‑peer‑reviewed sources, such as social media, online newspapers, blog posts and other platforms.
Secondly, some of this literature is characterised by an absence of theory in offering us critical analysis of
the emergent conditions of the student movement as a phenomenon in South African higher education
(SAHE). In this article, we respond to the above gaps by contributing to the scholarly development
and critical analysis of the student movement in SAHE. In order to respond to the above two gaps,
we firstly provide a brief historical and contextual environment that has contributed to the emergence
of the student movement phenomenon in SAHE. Secondly, we introduce Nancy Fraser’s social justice
perspective, in offering us the theoretical and conceptual tools we need to look at the struggles and
challenges that confront student movements, focusing in particular on the challenges that frustrate
them in relating and interacting as peers on an equal footing in society. Using Fraser’s social justice
framework to look at the #MustFall movements will allow us to better understand them as complex
phenomena in SAHE and allow us to properly understand their emergence.
Higher Education (HE), Institutional differentiation, Participatory parity, Social justice, Student movements, Student politics
Hlatshwayo, M.N. and Fomunyam, K.G. 2019. Theorising the #MustFall student movements in contemporary South African higher education: a social justice perspective. Journal of Student Affairs in Africa. 7(1). doi:10.24085/jsaa.v7i1.3693