An expanded tax model to improve tax compliance amongst micro-businesses
Mkhwanazi, Sipho S.
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Taxation plays a significant role in any country’s economy, since countries depend on the tax revenues they collect to generate the resources they require to meet their expenditure needs. The contribution of micro-businesses in South Africa, both to society and to the economy, is such that they have the potential to reduce the high rates of unemployment, to reduce poverty and to help address inequality. However, these businesses are known to face challenges with regards to complying with their tax obligations. Therefore, in this study, the conceptual framework presented by Fischer’s Tax Compliance Model is explored and its limitations considered in order to find possible solutions to improve tax compliance amongst micro-businesses. The aim of this study was therefore to expand existing theoretical models to further understand tax compliance behavior amongst these micro-businesses. The study adopted a quantitative research approach and a questionnaire was randomly distributed to micro-businesses in the following areas of eThekwini: a suburban area (Durban North), a township area (Umlazi), a rural area (Umbumbulu) and the city centre of Durban. Of the selected sample of 392 micro businesses, only 242 micro-business owners completed the questionnaires despite an extension of time being granted. Three research assistants were employed to assist the researcher in the data collection. The analytic software (SPSS) Version 26.0 was used to analyze the data. Results include the presentation of biographical data of the respondents, along with factors selected for inclusion which would enable a deeper understanding to emerge of aspects needed to improve tax compliance amongst this group of taxpayers. The findings indicate that these business owners share many of the characteristics of other businesses in their tax compliance behavior, but also that there were specific additional factors which affected them as regards tax compliance particularly involving the three aspects selected as a focus by the researcher: registration for tax, keeping of accurate accounting records, and drawing up of financial statements. These findings enabled an expanded tax compliance model to be presented. The study therefore contributes to improving the understanding of tax compliance behavior amongst micro-businesses in eThekwini Municipality. It recommends that, in order to improve the level of tax compliance amongst this group, the South African Revenue Services (SARS) must find better ways of communicating with, and assisting, micro-business owners to register their businesses for tax and they must emphasize the importance of keeping accurate accounting records, along with the need to prepare accurate financial statements for their businesses.
Submitted in fulfilment of the requirements of the Master of Accounting in Taxation and Auditing, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2021.
Business tax obligations, Tax revenues, Fischer’s Tax Compliance Model