An evaluation of hospitality within a provincial hospital in the southern area of Durban, KZN
Deen, Anisah
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It has been accepted that health care within provincial hospitals has deteriorated. For most it has become routine to visit provincial hospitals and wait for majority of the day for basic treatment. Service delivery in provincial health care are confronted with challenges such as staff shortages, inadequate medical supplies and reduced budgets. The media contributes with letters and articles about poor patient treatment, the increase in deaths and diseases due to poor service delivery and weak hospital management. However, with the growing rate of poverty and unemployment, resources have become scarcer hence, adding to an already crippling economy.
The rationale behind this research is to evaluate the role of hospitality within a Provincial Hospital in the southern area of Durban KZN that’s offering treatment to patients with more than just basic health care. And to establish a more effective and efficient delivery of services offered with scarce resources which enhances patient encounters within a provincial hospital. The aim of this research is to evaluate the current legislation around provincial hospitals for the efficient and effective practise of hospitality. In the form of a literature review a theoretical perspective was formulated around the study and an operational chapter detailing the Provincial Hospital in the southern area of Durban, KZN. The rationale was tested by research in the form of questionnaires and interviews with the Provincial Hospital. A target sample was selected with managers, senior management and patients.
The major findings may be gravitated towards serious service delivery issues. The Provincial Hospital should therefore, consider the introduction of a hospitality approach in its attempts to improve the delivery of patient care. The study also found that hospitality management influences may improve employee output which impacts on the delivery of patient care.
Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Technology Hospitality and Tourism, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2014.