Technical and vocational education and training lecturer learning through work-integrated learning : a study of three colleges in KwaZulu-Natal
Mesuwini, Joseph
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This study explored TVET lecturers learning through work-integrated learning (WIL),
specifically to establish the nature of their learning and the kinds of knowledge they gain, and
further determined how the lecturers understand their learning. WIL describes an approach to
career-focused learning, which is often appropriate for attaining discipline-specific practical
competence. My study contributes to the literature on how WIL enhances TVET practical
knowledge and pedagogy. It also contributes to the perceptions of industry personnel towards
lecturers on WIL.
The study used a qualitative research approach located in an interpretive paradigm. A face-toface semi-structured interview was conducted with 18 TVET college lecturers from three
different colleges and nine industry personnel at different companies. Non-participant
observation complemented interviews and enabled capturing social action and interaction as
it occurred and provided triangulation. The data were analysed using open coding. The study
draws on Kolb’s Experiential Learning Theory (ELT), complemented by conceptual
frameworks on domains of teacher knowledge.
The research identified the following challenges: a lack of technical skills among lecturers in
using civil, electrical and mechanical engineering machines and equipment in industry;
industry induction processes promoted WIL and self-initiated learning in the TVET sector
that was helped a limited number of lecturers; and a lack of lecturer WIL support. There were
several findings that reflect on positive impact of the training programme, namely, TVET
lecturers who participated in the training gained knowledge about industrial processes;
improved knowledge and practice of safe working procedures; the lack of interpersonal skills
in the TVET industry was addressed; there was creativity and cost-saving skills among civil
engineering TVET lecturers; WIL offered problem-solving skills to TVET lecturers; evidence
of the use of work schedules; and training helped in the formation of industry connections.
The study recommends adequately capacitating TVET lecturers with technical and soft skills
to ensure that they comprehend the use of advanced machinery. The lecturers on WIL need
constant support to check the relevance of practical skills received during WIL. To ensure
proper training, the study recommends a training model for TVET lecturers during WIL. The study further recommends TVET lecturers to engage in industry placement at regular
intervals to maintain current developments in the industry. This study recommends that
policymakers, industry and other TVET college stakeholders employ prudent participative
and consultative strategies to ensure that TVET lecturers acquire the requisite skills needed as
recommended by syllabi. Furthermore, this study recommends a large scale research on all
TVET College lecturers in South Africa to understand what and how they learn during WIL;
involving other disciplines besides civil, electrical and mechanical trades to check if the
outcome will be similar; and explore how industry personnel profiles impact on TVET
lecturers learning in the industry during WIL using the same instruments.
A Thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Education, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2021.
TVET lecturers, Work-integrated learning (WIL)