Assessment of user authentication risks in a healthcare knowledge management system
Adekanmbi, Oluwole
Green, Paul
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The Clute Institute
This paper proposes a comprehensive risk assessment methodology that provides a decision support tool, directed to a healthcare system, which can be utilized for evaluating risk involved during user authorization and authentication procedures. Within this context, a process technique was implemented to develop a risk assessment model, which is used to derive the relative priorities of the risk factors associated with a healthcare knowledge management system. The study showed risks involved when users are accessing a healthcare system. It proposes a model for assessing each risk occurring during the user authorization and authentication process. The results of the knowledge generated from the risk assessment provide a basis for deriving a system performance that is desirable for evaluating risk.
Assessment, Healthcare, Knowledge, Management, Risk, Knowledge, Management systems
Adekanmbi, O. and Green, P. 2015. Assessment of user authentication risks in a healthcare knowledge management system. International Business & Economics Research Journal, 14(1): 95-106.