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Analysis of temperature and rainfall trends in Vaal-Harts irrigation scheme, South Africa

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Adeyemo, Josiah
Otieno, Fredrick Alfred O.
Ojo, Olumuyiwa I.

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Abstract: - Agriculture is crucially dependent on the timely availability of adequate amount of water and a conducive climate. Temperature and rainfall patterns impact the availability of water for agricultural uses. Therefore, temperature and rainfall are twin important environmental factors in agricultural activities such as tillage, planting, irrigation and mechanization. The characteristics of the Vaal-Harts temperature data for year 1996 to 2010 and rainfall data for year 1983 to 2010 were examined in this study using statistical techniques. Basic statistical properties of the data were determined using the mean, variance, coefficient of variation and Pearson’s correlation coefficient. Temperature and rainfall observations with the average of about 17.44 were used. The minimum and maximum temperatures recorded were 9.720C and 23.520C. The Coefficient of variation (CV) was found to be about 29.59. Variance is a measure of how far a set of numbers is spread out; and the variance of this set of observations is 26.625. The average yearly temperature increases insignificantly by a constant of about 0.117 (p = 0.163; 95% CI: -0.054 – 0.288), while rainfall shows decreasing trend annually which means that the dry season will be drier. The involvement of non-zero values in the serial correlation indicated the significance of the deterministic component in the data. The results of this analysis enhance our understanding of the characteristics of air temperature and rainfall in the study area for effective planning of farming operations.



Environment, Temperature, Rainfall, Vaal Harts


Adeyemo, J., Otieno, F. and Ojo, O.I. 2014. Analysis of temperature and rainfall trends in Vaal-Harts irrigation scheme, South Africa. American Journal of Engineering Research. 2(3): 265-269.