Image content-based user preference elicitation for personalised mobile recommendation of shopping items
Oyewole, Stanley Ade
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Personalised recommendation of product items has been recognised as an exciting snug
suggestion for an individual customer. This is required to meet the preferences of an
individual customer and improve the sales of merchants. Most current research works in
content-based recommendation heavily relied on an orthodox 2-dimensional “user by
item” data structure has been used extensively in different application areas for product
items recommendation. However, this structure is limited in delivering personalised
recommendations to mobile customers because of the inherent “problem of concept drift”
that can result in degrading the performance of a recommendation system. This research
work introduces an image content-based preference elicitation model based on the
approach of supervised machine learning to deliver personalised product items
recommendation to mobile customers. This model of product items recommendation
leverages the extraction of multiple aspects of item dynamic features to characterise the
preferences of mobile customers. This will help mobile customers and nomadic to
pervasively discover product items that are most relevant to their interests and reduce
barriers to purchase. To start with, a new image-based item classification framework that
leverages a novel 4-dimensional colour image representation and Eigen-colour features
is built to realise efficient item-class features. The framework is devised to realise a timedependent item relevance score for selecting a set of product items of interest. These
features were integrated with other features such as price, location, and incentive
associated with a product item to improve the performance of a shopping
recommendation system. This is to build the proposed design towards addressing the
concept drift problem and large recommendation space problems often associated with
the orthodox items recommendation systems. Experimental results of testing an
implementation of the proposed item classification framework have shown a
recommendation system to produce low-dimensional item features and an implicit shortterm preference profile for a new system user with recommendation accuracy of 92.2%
on popular PI100 e-commerce shopping items corpus. Moreover, another experiment on
item-based multiple criteria decision-making techniques has revealed that multiple
factors can adequately address the concept drift problem. The proposed technique
spawns better top-5, top-10, and top-15 rank personalised recommendation accuracy
results when compared to the orthodox content-based approach. Finally, as a proof of
concept, an imaging interface that anchors the proposed framework in a client-server
system was simulated on a mobile phone
Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Information Technology in the Department of Information Technology Faculty of Accounting and Informatics at the Durban University of Technology Durban, South Africa, 2021.