Developing academic and clinical collaboration guidelines for nurse training at a public nursing college in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Maharaj, Sangeetha
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Introduction and background
Global reports of theory, practice gaps, decreased levels of competency and challenges with
utilising clinical reasoning amongst newly qualified nurse graduates, have created a major
concern in a complex healthcare environment, which requires efficiency. In South Africa,
like most African countries, the healthcare system is predominantly nurse-driven, requiring
nurses to have the necessary competencies and expertise to effectively manage the
country’s disease burden and meet the healthcare needs of the South African community.
Challenges have however, been identified in the clinical training of nurses which may impact
on their graduate competency. These challenges may be attributed to deficiencies in the
integration of theory and practice, and clinical support provision for nursing students.
Aim of the study
The aim of the study was to develop academic and clinical collaboration guidelines for
nurse training at a public nursing college in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.
Objectives of the study
The objectives of the study were: to gain in-depth insight into the practices for clinical
education of nursing students at a public nursing college in KwaZulu-Natal; explore and
describe the role of the nursing educator with regards to clinical accompaniment and clinical
teaching; explore and describe the experiences of the clinical ward staff in supervision and
mentoring of nursing students; explore and describe the experiences of student nurses
regarding clinical teaching and learning and develop guidelines for academic and clinical
collaboration for nurse training in public nursing colleges.
Research Method
A qualitative exploratory design with a constructivist approach was utilised. Ethics approval
was obtained from the: Durban University of Technology Institutional Research Ethics (Irec.
No. 200/21). All participants, which comprised 49 academic staff, 43 professional nurses
and 21 students registered in the Diploma in Nursing Programmes, were purposively
sampled. Data were collected using focus group discussions and one-on-one semistructured
interviews conducted between January and May 2022 and analysed manually using the content analysis strategy and following the eight-step analysis procedure by Tesch
The study findings revealed five themes namely: ineffectual clinical training structure;
inadequate collaboration and supportive relationship between the academic institution and
clinical placement area; clinical placement institutional challenges, clinical preparedness of
students prior to clinical allocations and graduate competency not guaranteed on completion
of training. These factors posed challenges to nursing students meeting their mandatory
training objectives during their placements. The guiding principles of Schünemann, Fretheim
and Oxham (2006), were utilised to develop guidelines for facilitating academic and clinical
collaboration for nurse training at a public nursing college in the province of KwaZulu-Natal,
South Africa. The Delphi technique was utilised to incorporate inputs from expert members
on the group.
Challenges being experienced during the clinical learning placements of nursing students at
this college, could result in theory and practice gaps during and after training. The guidelines
developed, aims at enhancing the collaborative relationships between the academic and
clinical partners in nurse training and can be used by the management of both structures
who are responsible for nurse training, to improve the clinical training platforms.
The study recommendations are aimed at strengthening clinical training platforms for
students at Public Nursing Colleges and includes: improving collaborative relationships
between the academic and clinical partners in nurse training; planning together with clinical
stakeholders for all resources required; prioritising nursing students meeting their clinical
objectives and developing mutual nurturing relationships. A need exists to address
challenges of student supervision, mentoring, negative staff attitudes and a lack of
standardised clinical practice between the academic and clinical training partners. A review
of the system of clinical preparation, accompaniment, and supervision of nursing students
is critical.
Thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the Doctoral Degree in Nursing, at the Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2024.
Nurse training, Nursing students, Nursing colleges