Advanced reliability analysis of road-slope stability in soft rock geological terrain
Sengani, Fhatuwani
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Most of the national, regional, and local roads in Limpopo Province have been
developed through a rugged topography and artificial slopes have been created
with loose rocks scattered across the slopes as a results road slope instability
is the common challenge. The objective of this research study is to conduct an
advanced reliability analysis of road-slope stability in soft rock geological terrain
using the national road (N1) and its tributary (R71) as case studies. Limit
analysis, limit equilibrium, finite element methods, finite difference methods,
machine learning and GIS-based tools have been used for this purpose.
Meanwhile, the accuracy classification chart of limit equilibrium methods in
homogenous slope and a new method for predicting the stability of slope in
multiple faulted slopes were developed. The reproduction of failure evolution of
slope instability was also performed, followed by reliability analysis of the slope
based on probabilistic analysis. Lastly, an integrated approach to slope stability
assessment based on machine learning, geographic information systembased tools and geotechnical methods was presented. To achieve the above,
field observations and measurements, structural mapping, limit equilibrium,
limit analysis, Monte Carlo simulation, fuzzy inference analysis, and GIS
digitization and analysis were performed. Software packages such as SLIDE,
FLACslope, Optimum 2G, DIPS, RocLab, and ArcGIS, were used. The
accuracy classification chart for Limit Equilibrium Methods LEM), a new
method for performing stability analysis in multiple faulted slopes, reproduction
of failure evolution of slope was developed. Monte Carlo simulation was
established as the most reliable and effective technique to analyze slope
stability. The steepness of the slope, rock and soil properties, extreme rainfall
and geological features were demonstrated to influence slope instability based
on an integrated approach as stated above. From the above-mentioned major
findings, it was concluded that the developed accuracy error classification chart
of LEMs and the new method of slope stability in multi-faulted slopes are useful.
Though the reproduction of failure evolution of slope was successfully
achieved, for material to flow for a longer distance, high kinetic energy and
more shearing of material are expected to take place during this process. It is recommended that other sophisticated methods be utilized to expand the
Submitted in fulfillment of the academic requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Engineering: Civil Engineering and Geomatics, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2023.
Slope stability, Reliability Analysis, Probability Analysis, GIS-based tool, Numerical modelling