Consideration of pavement type service life capacity for sustainable infrastructure development in Nigeria
Abejide, Samuel Olugbenga
Adedeji, Jacob Adedayo
Mostafa, Mohamed
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The opposition over the use of concrete pavement against the conventional flexible pavement
in Nigeria cannot be overemphasized; nevertheless, the question of interest should be: is
concrete pavement now a way out of Nigeria road network? Certainly, the success of any road
pavement design practice is a function of various factors put together. Yet, the pros and cons
of concrete pavement should not be seen from the perspective of a political drive but rather
seen on the feasibility of achieving a reliable and sustainable pavement during the intended
service life. The necessary factors to be considered in the success of pavement design will
depend on; the environmental condition, geotechnical properties of the concrete pavement
materials, the mix design of the concrete, the construction practice/workmanship, the
expected load cycles and social acceptability. Furthermore, the emphasis on concrete pavement
should be as a result of positive success already in use and the viability of the use of concrete
pavement over flexible pavement will rely on successes and failures in design and construction
which will depend on laboratory testing data so as to generate a code of practice manual which
is suitable for a particular geographic location; since soil properties and environmental
condition lies in its abundant complexity over a given location. This paper focuses on
providing a guide to the use of concrete pavement design in Nigeria and how success in
transforming Nigerian roads to rigid pavement can be achieved especially in failed road
sections within the southern region and other regions prone to excessive rainfall precipitation.
Life cycle assessment, Service life capacity, Social impact assessment, Sustainable pavement
Abejide, S.O., Adedeji, J.A. and Mostafa, M. 2019. Consideration of pavement type service life capacity for sustainable infrastructure development in Nigeria. Journal of Construction Project Management and Innovation. 9(1): 57-71.