The evaluation of the quality of sanitation and stored water for domestic use in the Umlazi P Section informal settlement
Shangase, Simangaliso Idiom
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The quantity of water delivered and used for households is an important requirement for
life as well as basic personal hygiene. Simple hygiene measures have become
paramount due to corona-virus 2019 (Covid-2019). South Africa still lacks basic
infrastructure to supply adequate quantities of water to all. This problem is exacerbated
in the growing informal settlements where infrastructure is limited. A growing awareness
shows contamination of water can occur during collection and storage. This results in the
deterioration of water quality to the extent that the water becomes undrinkable.
Contributing factors include the cleanliness of storage containers as well as the
environment in which they are stored.
The aim of the study
This study aimed to investigate the quality of stored water and the related handling of
storage vessels after collection for domestic use at the informal settlement of the Umlazi
P Section, in the south-west of Durban.
The study objectives
The objectives of the study were to determine the knowledge and awareness of water
contamination and how water resources can be protected. To discover the exposure of
drinking water to waterborne pathogens due to poor storage and hygiene practices using
a questionnaire. To test stored water samples for pathogenic organisms using acceptable
laboratory methods and compare the findings for compliance with the South African Water
Quality Guidelines for domestic use (SANS 241: 2015). To test the pH levels and
macroscopic appearance of stored water in order to assess the extent of natural organic
and corrosive substances dissolved in domestic water. Study Design
This was a descriptive cross-sectional quantitative study aimed at analysing data of
exposure of Umlazi P section residents to contaminated water resources. Data collection
entailed the administration of a questionnaire to 269 participants, including the laboratory
analysis of water samples collected from water storage containers used in each
Data collection tools
The questionnaire was used to obtain information on behavioural characteristics of the
participants concerning their knowledge, awareness of practices related to water
contamination, storage and waste management. The laboratory analysis of stored water
samples included testing for the presence of pathogenic organisms, testing of pH and an
analysis of the macroscopic appearance of the water. Laboratory findings were compared
in compliance with the South African Water Quality Guidelines for domestic use.
Majority of the participants (98.5%) indicated they use municipal water services for their
daily needs. It was found that most residents (88.1%) did not have any prior education on
water storage and (76.6%) indicated a lack of understanding of water contamination.
There was a lack of proper hand hygiene and handling of stored water among 48
households (18%). Almost all respondents indicated that they stored their domestic water
in buckets which were kept closed when not in use, and (83.3%) indicated that they
cleaned the storage containers by washing it in cold water only. It was found that half of
the participants are unemployed and 32% of them use pit latrines as toilets. Most of the
respondents found the taste of the water palatable. A positive total coliform count was
found among 13 (5%) households in the study, rendering their drinking water a high risk
for domestic use, 9/13 of these households used pit latrines. The high-risk coliform count,
despite it only accounting for 5% of the population is of great concern. Testing results
also showed a zero count for Escherichia coli (E.coli) making drinking water acceptable
in terms of faecal coliform bacteria. Discussion and Conclusion
Results indicate a clear need to develop educational programmes that will enhance
knowledge of water contamination to improve water quality. These educational
programmes need to focus on hygiene practices to minimise water contamination.
Infrastructure development remains a key recommendation as it plays an important role
in the removal of human faecal waste in the distribution of water to communal taps. The
infrastructure development must entail the provision of more taps to avoid overcrowding
and provision of flushable toilets as an effective waste removal method.
While the Municipality has played a role in the removal of solid waste, more needs to be
done to accommodate all residents in informal settlements to prevent illegal dumping
which increases environmental pollution. Considering the variability of water storage
periods (between a week to a month) due to the distance between settlements and
collection points, the provision of low-cost quality storage containers and treatment
chemicals by the Municipality is recommended. The Department of Housing, Water and
Sanitation, Health, Education and other Non-Governmental organisations need
strengthening of inter-sectoral collaboration to improve the quality of life in informal
settlements. The National Water Act of 2003 outlines the role of local government
concerning water resources of equitable allocation of water to all citizens and
redistribution as well as removal of discriminatory laws that prevent equal access to water
(Republic of South Africa – Government act 61 of 2003).
Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Health Science, specialising in Medical Laboratory Science, Durban University of Technology, 2021.
Water contamination, Hygiene practices, Municipal services, Laboratory testing methods and Infrastructure