Developing an expanded Technological Acceptance Model for evaluating e-Learning in the Sub-Saharan African environment
Ujakpa, Mabeifam Martin
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The Technological Acceptance Model was originally developed in the United States of
America, which is culturally different, from Sub-Saharan Africa. Applying the existing
Technological Acceptance Model to evaluate technological applications intended for the SubSaharan African environment, is likely to give inaccurate results because of the cultural
dissimilarities and the diverse socio-cultural composition of Sub-Saharan Africa. As a way to
improve accuracy of results, this research reviewed relevant literature and applied a mixed
methodology to gather data from 308 students from five public universities in five countries
across the five Sub-Saharan African regions (North, South, East, West and Central) on the
use of e-learning in universities. Upon analyses of the data through Cronbach‘s α measure,
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin‘s measure, Bartlett‘s test of Sphericity, confirmatory factor analysis and
descriptive statistics, an extension of the original technology acceptance model was
developed. The extended model has seven constructs: Perceived Ease of Use, Perceived
Usefulness, Perceived Performance, Perceived Benefits, External Factors, Behavioural
Intention, and Technological Acceptance. Four of these constructs (Perceived Ease of Use,
Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Performance and Perceived Benefits) directly influence
Behaviour Intention. In consonance with previous findings in literature findings, Perceived
Usefulness rated higher than Perceived Ease of Use. Perceived Benefit rated the lowest
among the four constructs. The research further confirms previous findings that Perceived
Ease of Use influences Perceived Usefulness. Additionally, this study found that External
Factors directly influence Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, Perceived
Performance and Perceived Benefit. Amongst these, External Factors influence Perceived
Benefit most, followed by Perceived Ease of Use, Perceived Performance, and lastly
Perceived Usefulness. Last, but not least, the research further found that Behaviour Intention
influences Technological Acceptance positively. Considering that this research collected data
from only five countries in Sub-Saharan Africa to develop and test the model, caution needs
to be taken when generalising the research findings beyond the said population and
technology considered in the research. Future research on technological acceptance may
refine the suggested expanded model to explain further, the variance in students‘ Behaviour
Intention, Perceived Ease of Use, Perceived Benefit, Perceived Usefulness and Perceived
Performance and also to examine the performance of the suggested expanded model to
explain the different technology acceptance behaviours in the information technology field
Submitted in fulfilment of the requirements of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Information Technology (PhD IT) in the Faculty of Accounting and Informatics, at the Durban University of Technology, 2020.