Financial preparedness of heads of departments in the Faculty of health Sciences at the Durban University of Technology KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Allison, Wendy
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This study investigated the financial knowledge and skill levels of the Heads of
Departments in the Faculty of Health Sciences (FoHS) at the Durban University of
Technology (DUT). These department heads in the FoHS receive no formal training
in financial management, yet are required to manage budgets and ensure that their
department is financially viable. The study established the financial management
proficiency of the Heads of Departments with a view to offering ways in which the
financial management of the department heads could be improved.
The data generated used a combination of open-ended and closed-ended questions,
comprising of both qualitative and quantitative methodology, which followed a
pragmatist paradigm. A total of 22 participants, all of whom served as the Heads of
Departments between 2013 and 2020 were included in the sample. The researcher
used SPSS Version 26® to analyse the quantitative data, and NVIVO to analyse the
qualitative data. The identities of all the Heads of Departments in this study are
withheld to maintain anonymity.
The findings indicated that the financial management skills of these department heads
are severely lacking, resulting in departments with compromised financial
management. Added to this, universities can no longer rely on 1st or 2nd stream income
alone, but departments need to create and manage 3rd stream income. None of this,
especially the management of 3rd stream income, is possible without the relevant
financial management training. These Heads of Departments require training in the
creation of their budgets, as well as in the implementation and control thereof. The
department heads agreed that they do not have these skills, and expressed a desire
for financial management training.
Submitted in fulfillment of requirements for the award of a Master's Degree in
Accounting (Management) Degree, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2021.
Financial management, 3rd Stream Budgeting, Healthcare, University