Compactness in superpixel segmentation of digital images using perceptual colour difference measure
Moodley, Sadhasivan Govindasamy
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Digital image segmentation is a thrilling but challenging open problem that has been well researched in the fields of computer vision, and image processing. It has many practical
applications like biometric identification, ship detection, building extraction, road marking
recognition, deoxyribonucleic acid matching, welding inspection, pedestrian re-identification,
object tracking, image editing, pest monitoring, and shopping items recommendation. In recent
years, image segmentation has come to rely heavily on superpixel methods to circumvent the
computational complexity inherent in pixel processing. The superpixel approach is generally
used to group similar pixels into a semantic cluster of fewer pixels to increase the processing
speed and simplify computational intricacy. However, the reliance on the existing superpixel
based segmentation methods on the Euclidean distance metric as a measure of similarity
between two pixels in an image presents an inherent challenge. The Euclidean distance has a
real-world advantage because of its assumption of non-uniformity that most image colour
distributions generally follow. This assumption states that real data will occupy a small
clustered subset of the entire space, but not necessarily distributed evenly in a higherdimensional space. However, since it cannot deal with illumination change in images, it is
limited in compactly measuring similarity in the context of an application that complies with
the human perception of similarity. The human eyes can recognise similar or irrelevant
image colours under the illumination change for which the Euclidean distance does not
perform well. This study aimed to investigate the performance of an attribute
concurrence influence distance metric on image compactness in a superpixel segmentation
algorithm. It is hypothesized that superpixel segmentation based on attribute cooccurrence similarity measure is likely to achieve better results than Euclidean distance in
terms of the performance metrics of under segmentation error, achievable segmentation
accuracy, compactness, boundary recall, and contour density. Superpixel segmentation
experiments were performed using two widely used colour models which are hue,
saturation, value (HSV), and lightness, redness, yellowness (LAB) with the strong attribute
concurrence influence distance (SAID) and Euclidean distance in a superpixel segmentation
algorithm. The results presented for the LAB colour model showed that SAID
outperformed the Euclidean distance for images reflecting overlapping and complex objects
with regular compactness. However, the Euclidean distance performed better than the SAID
for images with multiple, centre, and low contrast objects with regular compactness across
the under segmentation error, achievable segmentation accuracy, boundary recall and
contour density performance evaluation metrics. Consequently, for irregular compactness,
SAID further outperformed the Euclidean distance for images with overlapping, complex,
multiple, Centred and low contrast objects for boundary recall. However, the Euclidean
distance performed better than SAID for under segmentation error, achievable segmentation
accuracy, and contour density. Furthermore, the compactness performance for SAID and
Euclidean distance gave the same compactness value for both regular and irregular
compactness. Consequently, based on the analysis of the results for the HSV colour model, it
was observed that performances of SAID and Euclidean with regular compactness were at par
across all the performance metrics used for images with overlapping, complex, multiple,
centre, and low contrast objects. However, the Euclidean distance outperformed SAID
with irregular compactness for images with overlapping, complex, multiple, centre, and low
contrast objects.
Dissertation submitted in fulfillment of the requirement for the Masters in Information and Communications Technology degree, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2021.
Digital image segmentation, Image processing., Superpixel approach