An appraisal of building information modelling technology in building construction and maintenance in Africa : a case of Nigeria and South Africa
Toyin, James Olaonipekun
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Building Information Modelling technology (BIM-T) continues to gain attention. Its adoption
creates a platform that allows the built environment professionals to share project information
through a common database. At the same time, there is an increased perception that
implementing BIM on construction projects will positively influence building production
throughout its lifecycle. Recent studies have revealed a low level of BIM implementation in
the African construction industry. Currently, the utilisation of BIM for building production has
received a significant acceptance rate in developed regions, while in African countries, it is still
at an infant stage. Moreover, previous studies have established that BIM application comes
with various barriers. These barriers contribute to its low adoption, application and
implementation. Nevertheless, there are still some notable benefits and impacts on building
production, which have been the main drivers for its continual adoption. Therefore, this study
aimed to research BIM-T applications in African countries, focusing on the Nigerian and South
African construction industries. The goals are to assess its level of awareness, usage, barriers
hindering its application/implementation and benefits accruable with its adoption. BIM impacts
the building production lifecycle and determines the strategies to promote its application among
construction professionals for sustainable construction in developing countries.
To achieve the objective of this research, an extensive review of the literature was conducted
on usage, barriers to BIM adoption, application/implementation, benefits of adopting BIM, its
impacts on building production, and strategies to promote its application/implementation. A
structured questionnaire elicited constructive data from the Nigerian built environment
professionals (NIA, NIOB, NIQS, and NSE) and the South African construction-related
professionals (SACPCMP). The web-based (Google form) questionnaire was distributed
online. According to the distribution among the professionals, 276 and 105 respondents
indicated their willingness and availability to participate in the research from Nigeria and South
Africa, respectively. The generated data was analysed using the following descriptive measures: mean item score (M.I.S), relative important index (RII), ranking and frequency and
quantitative inferential analysis (factor analysis, pairwise comparison, one-way ANOVA and
It was found that there is a significant increase in the level of BIM awareness among Nigerian
and South African construction professionals compared to previous findings. 98.55% and
96.19% of respondents, respectively affirmed that they are aware of BIM. Nevertheless, these
findings established that there are still BIM-related barriers peculiar to both countries; the top
common three barriers are low computer skills among some of the professionals, habitual
resistance to change from the traditional style of design and build, and government's
unwillingness to support BIM use. These barriers could be responsible for the professional’s
low level of BIM tool usage. The study also revealed that all 13 identified BIM benefits are
significantly important in both countries. From this, it could be concluded that BIM application
has significantly improved the production of buildings through its contribution to performing
tasks from building design to post-construction stages. Finally, the respondents identified the
need for foundational knowledge in an educational institution on BIM tool use and its
applications as a critical area of focus that could assist the promotion of BIM.
This study has extensively documented the various research contributions carried out in this
study's area of focus. The preliminary survey result concludes that the findings will assist the
professional body in making intelligent decisions and adequate measures to advance the
adoption, application/implementation of BIM among their members. It will also inform the
institutions about what is required from their construction graduates to improve their
employability in the industry.
Submitted in fulfillment of the academic requirements of Master of the Built Environment In Construction Management: Construction Management and Quantity Surveying, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2022.
Building Information Modelling (BIM), Construction management, Innovative technology, Building lifecycle, Sustainable construction