Making beyond nothingness : an artistic challenge to the unaesthetic language of the public space
Streak, James Gregory
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This project constitutes a practice-based research enquiry of two interrelated components: an
exhibition of creative work, Nothing Matters, and an accompanying exegesis. The creative
work on exhibition comprises a range of small- and large-scale outputs that incorporate
drawing, photography, sculptural work, and re-imagined ‘found’ objects, all produced between
The overall title of the project, Making Beyond Nothingness: An Artistic Challenge to the
Unaesthetic Language of the Public Space, embodies the paradox at the heart of the pursuit.
How to create ‘something’ of conceptual and aesthetic compulsion from a language of
nothingness, whether it be ‘found’ in the surrounding temper of the public space or, in art, in
various manifestations of the ‘dematerialised object’: the void; the empty canvas or gallery;
the ‘invisible’ work; or the detritus of the everyday?
The written component – the ‘dissertation’ – traces my style through points of reference in the
development of Conceptual Art (Chapter 1) before turning, more generally, to examples of my
previous work (Chapter 2) and, in Chapter 3, specifically to my reflections on the creative
works that form the exhibition to be examined.
To quote from the Institutional guideline preamble to the PhD in Visual and Performing Arts,
“The body of applied creative work is formulated in relation to the research problem outlined
in the dissertation; there can be no formal separation between the examination of the creative
work and the dissertation.
Submitted for the degree of PhD in Visual and Performing Arts, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2021.
Unaesthetic language, Public space