Improving node localization and energy efficiency for wireless sensor networks using hyper-heuristic optimization algorithms
Aroba, Oluwasegun Julius
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Within the growing Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm, a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a
critical component. In a WSN, sensor node localization is typically utilized to identify the target
node’s current location at the sink node (SN). This allows local data to be analysed, making it
more meaningful. However, there exists an intrinsic problem with node localization and energy
efficiency, as identified in the literature, which has led to poor performance, namely, poor
estimation, transmission, and detection of the network. This intrinsic problem also directly
affects energy efficiency in a WSN, resulting in energy loss and poor node distribution in the
WSN. There seems to be no lasting and reliable solution to this intrinsic node localization
problem in WSNs. Hence, this research study proposed hyper-heuristic optimization
algorithms to improve node localization and energy efficiency in WSNs. This research adopts
the Design Research (DR) methodology and the Theory of Modelling and Simulation as the
theoretical frameworks of the study. The hyper-heuristic model designed, was considered the
conceptual framework of the study. To validate the novel technique, different sizes of sensor
networks, namely: - 100 sensor nodes; 100 to 1 500 nodes and 200 to 450 sensor nodes with
20 anchor nodes were simulated in an area measuring 100m x 100m. The novel hyper-heuristic
model was implemented in a MATLAB R2020a environment. The hyper-heuristic
optimization algorithm’s substantial simulated experiment results were benchmarked utilizing
state-of-the-art (modern) techniques to solve challenges related to node localization error, total
energy consumed, average consumed packet energy, network throughput, shortest path, dead
nodes, packets dispatched to the base station (BS), and the probability of error within the entire
network dependent on size. The Data Energy Efficiency Clustering-Gaussian (DEEC-GAUSS)
method was used to provide solutions to challenges related to energy efficiency in WSNs. In
addition, this research study explored the use of the novel DEEC-GAUSS Gradient Distance
Elimination Algorithm (DGGDEA) as the hyper-heuristic optimisation model for localization
of nodes in WSNs. DEEC-GAUSS and DGGDEA were valuable additions to the body of
knowledge. The results showed that the novel DEEC-GAUSS was the most energy efficient
algorithm for 100 sensor nodes and 1000 to 1500 sensor nodes when compared to other stateof-the-art algorithms. Furthermore, the results showed that the novel DGGDEA was able to
drastically minimize the node estimation error for sensor nodes. Reliability, accuracy and
convergence using hyper-heuristic models to enhance the communication within WSNs has
been simulated with evidence that DEEC-GAUSS and DGGDEA has outperformed other stateof-the-art approaches.
A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirement for the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Information and Technology, Durban University of Technology, 2021.
Wireless sensor networks using, Node localization, Energy efficiency, Hyper-Heuristic, Optimization algorithms