Exploring undergraduate students’ use and experience of online library resources : a case study of a University of Technology
Gumede, Lindiwe Eileen
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This study seeks to how undergraduate students at one University of
Technology experience, and use or not online library resources. According to
Komissarov and Murray (2016) little has been done to investigate why
students use or do not use the various types of information resources. These
researchers further state that convenience is what drives students to use
familiar internet search engines like Google compared to subscribed
databases. The study sought to explore the use of online or electronic
resources by undergraduate students at the Durban University of Technology,
and also to establish the reasons for non-use.
The target population were third year students enrolled for Nursing, Civil
Engineering and Education at a South African University of Technology. The
study adopted the mixed methods approach combining the quantitative and
qualitative methods applied sequentially. A structured online questionnaire
was designed using QuestionPro. This was used in collecting numerical data
which was analysed using SPSS version 26. Focus group discussions were
used to collect qualitative data. Ms Teams was used for focus groups because
students were not available on campus during the data collection phase. This
all happened during the COVID19 lockdown which saw the University closed
down. The recording option on MS teams was used to record the sessions for
later transcribing.
Findings of the study reveal that students still prefer to use general search
engines like Google and YouTube as opposed to the subscribed electronic
databases to find information. This is worrisome considering that when they
use only Google and YouTube, students do not get the academic benefit of
the electronic resources geared to their fields of study on which the university
has spent a considerable amount of money. The study concludes that students
are not fully utilising the online library resources that the library makes
available to them.
Submitted in fulfilment of the requirements of the degree of Master of Education in Adult and Communication Education, Durban University of Technology, 2021.
Undergraduates, Online, Library resources