Modeling and recognition of faults in smart distribution grid using maching intelligence technique
Onaolapo, Adeniyi Kehinde
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Electrical power systems experience unforeseen faults attributable to diverse arbitrary
reasons. Unanticipated failures occurring in power systems are to be prevented from
propagating to other parts of the protective system to enhance economic efficacy of
electric utilities and provide better service to energy consumers. Since most consumers
are directly connected to power distribution networks, there is an increasing research
efforts in distribution network fault recognition and fault-types identifications to solve the
problem of outages due to faults. This study focuses on fault recognition and fault-types
identification in electrical power distribution system based on the Design Science
Research (DSR) approach. Diverse simulations of fault types at different locations were
applied to the IEEE 13 Node Test Feeder to produce three phase currents and voltages
as data set for this study. This was realized by modelling the IEEE 13-node benchmark
test feeder in MATLAB-Simulink R2017a. In order to achieve intelligent fault recognition
and fault-type identification, different Multi-layer Perceptron Artificial Neural Networks
(MLP-ANN) models were designed and subsequently trained using the generated dataset
with the Neural Network toolbox in MATLAB R2017a. The fault recognition task verifies if
a fault occurs or not while the fault-types identification task determines the fault class as
well as the faulty phase(s). Results obtained from the various MLP-ANN models were
recorded and statistically analyzed. Acceptable performances were obtained for fault
recognition with the 6-25-20-15-1 MLP-ANN architecture, for fault-types identification with
the 6-40-4 MLP-ANN architecture and for fault location with the 6-30-15-5-4 MLP-ANN
architecture. Given the result obtained in this study, MLP-ANN is adjudged suitable for
intelligent fault recognition and fault-types identification in power distribution systems. The
trained MLP-ANNs in this study could ultimately be incorporated in power distribution
networks within South Africa and beyond in order to enhance energy customers’
A dissertation submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Engineering: Electrical Engineering, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2018.