An evaluation of customer satisfaction with water service quality in the uMgungundlovu District Municipality
Muthwa, Emmanuel Xolani
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Water services are critical to the provision of safe drinking water. Access to clean
water is recognised as a human right in many countries. In South Africa, the
Constitution, the Water Service Act, and the National Water Act are the water legal
framework. Recognizing the significance of having access to a safe and sufficient
water supply has become a core business for many cities. However, as in many
developing countries, South Africa is facing noteworthy challenges with water
provision. These challenges are frequently characterized by intermittent water
provision, low pressure, and poor water service quality.
The uMgungundlovu district municipality has seen an increase in public outrage over
water service quality, inevitably resulting in community reactions that are frequently
the source of violent protests.
Some of the issues that the communities are facing include inappropriate water
access, a slow response time from the municipality, and inefficient water
infrastructure. Thus, the study aimed to explore how satisfied the community in the
uMgungundlovu district municipality is with the water service provision. Furthermore,
this study intended to design a framework that can enhance water quality services in
the uMgungundlovu district municipality.
In this study, the water service quality was measured using the five dimensions
(Tangibles, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, and empathy) of the ServQual
model coined by Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and Berry. To address the research
problem and objectives, this study opted for a mixed-methods approach. This study
collected qualitative data through the interview from twenty-four respondents, and
quantitative data through questionnaire from 286 respondents in the uMgungundlovu
district municipality.
The findings of this study reveal that there is a gap in the water service quality
provided by the uMgungundlovu district municipality to its customers in terms of what customers perceive and what they experience in all five dimensions of ServQual
namely Tangibles, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, and empathy.
The study proposes a framework to enhance the water service quality in the context
of the rural community. The proposed model is based on the ServQual model.
Furthermore, the study recommends that uMgungundlovu district municipality should
consider restructuring its customer care service, should consider updating and
upgrading water equipment, and should consider modernising the water meter
reading system and water statement system.
Submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy in Management Sciences: Public Administration, Department of Public Management, Economics, and Law At Durban University of Technology, 2021.
Evaluation, Water service quality, Umgungundlovu District Municipality