Academic staff perceptions of empowerment training programmes initiated by Durban University of Technology
Bingwa, Luyanda Loraine
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Higher education in South Africa underwent a significant change during the last decade. Lecturers may not be necessarily equipped to face all the changes that are a result of changes faced by higher education. Academic staff needs to be trained so as to strengthen their teaching competencies. Training serves as an opportunity to upgrade their qualifications. Without training, it would be challenging for academics to perform their core activities. The problem that arises is that the type of routine tasks typical of the functions of academic staff does not require only training in the form of coaching but also learning in the form of gaining knowledge and competence within the academic disciplinary context. However, hands-on training seems to be the crucial component that will ensure the correct application of routine procedures.
The purpose of this study was to identify the academic staff perception of empowerment programmes initiated by the Durban University of Technology (DUT), and the challenges involved in successfully empowering staff. This study also identified problems encountered during academic staff development process and further investigated if the academic staff were provided with reasonable opportunity to participate. In this study, a quantitative approach was used, and data was collected from academic staff, comprising of professors, head of departments, senior lecturers, lecturers and junior lecturers of the Durban University of Technology. A sample size of 132 was drawn from the population. Questionnaires were designed with both closed and open-ended questions, and were personally administered by the researcher to all academic staff members in all faculties of the Durban University of Technology.
Analysis of data revealed that the University provide academic staff with sufficient and relevant training however staff felt that they should be included in the planning of these programmes. Furthermore there was a need for follow-up to evaluate effectiveness of the training programmes and if they served the purpose for which they were intended to. This study, therefore, recommended that respective faculties should involve their staff members in planning, and that a follow-up be conducted after completion of training.
Submitted in fulfilment of the requirements of the Master of Management Sciences in Administration and Information Management Degree, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2018.