The synergy between human resources and operations commitment at a selected car rental company
Sing, Sudheer
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Due to high staff turnover of the front line staff appointed as Rental Sales Agents, it has
been established that this creates disharmony in the work place for the remaining employees
that have been in their roles over a long period of time. From observation, employee morale
is affected, due to stress, longer working hours and other related factors due to being short
of manpower in the relevant business unit.
A study by Zheng (2017), asks: Does Staff Turnover Affect Productivity? Zheng (2017),
states that in the Corporate World of Business, each company’s productivity is complex and
measured differently, but the one factor that remains constant and always hurts productivity
is employee turnover. “When employees are constantly moving, it is difficult to maintain the
level of output; that’s mainly because new employees need time to train and to get used to
the work, before they reach full productivity”.
The researcher has confirmed that the organisation in this study is a reputable brand that is
a leader in the car rental service industry. It can therefore be argued that in order to remain a
leader in the industry, it requires the appropriate resources in order to be able to stay ahead
of its competitors. One of the key resources identified in this study is, Human Capital.
Human Capital should be equipped with the requisite skills to be able to assist the customer
fully. This will enable operations to successfully achieve its goal through its people which is
the main function of an effective HRMS, defined as Human Resource Management System.
It is alleged that synergy between the Operations and Human Capital Department is not
cohesive and is therefore impacting on productivity, satisfaction and organisational
commitment at the selected Car Rental Company.
In order for this organisation to be in line with its vision, which is to exceed customer
expectations at every Interface, it has been established that employee commitment, as
brand ambassadors has to be aligned and re-enforced for maximum productivity which can
be maintained, hence, according to Dattagupta (n.d), “organizational effectiveness points
towards effective, prudent and strategic use of all the organizational resources, namely,
Human, Financial and Technological resources for creating a competitive advantage. The
organizational effectiveness also calls for creating sustainable growth and development by
taking care of not only the senior shareholders' expectations, but also the expectations of the
junior stakeholders. It also means that Management makes the right ethical decisions in the
interest of all the stakeholders, which includes all the employees of the organisation”.
Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the Masters in Management Sciences: Business Administration, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2021.
Staff turnover, Car Rental Company, Human capital, Employee commitment