Socio-psychological factors influencing continuance intention of participants using online social networks to buy
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Virtus Interpress
The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of perceived trust (PT), social norm (SN), user satisfaction (US) and perceived behavioural control (PBC) from the perspective of online social networks (OSNs) and how these factors influence continuance intention of OSN particpants who have ever been influenced to buy on this platform to continue buying from OSNs. Online survey was used to collect data from people who have ever used OSNs to buy, at least once. The WarpPLS 4.0 was used to analyse measurement and structural models resulting in significant evidence in support of PT, SN and US as predictors of OSN continuance intention, different from the traditional web-based transactions. For instance, trust in OSN is revealled to be based mainly on the degree of the social relations that users have with their vendors because they are members on the network, on top of their experiences of Web service use. US were influenced by PBC, while US also influenced SN and PT with PT exhibiting a strong relationship with SN. These results have practical implications for individuals desiring to engage in commercial activities on OSNs.
Continuance intention, OSN, Participants
Assensoh-Kodua, A. 2015. Socio-psychological factors influencing continuance intention of participants using online social networks to buy. Journal of Governance and Regulation. 4(4): 92-101.