Assessing the effectiveness of incentives towards employees' performance in Abaqulusi Local Municipality
Ngwenya, Nokulunga C.
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The research study focused on assessing the effectiveness of incentives towards employees’
performance in Abaqulusi Local Municipality, KwaZulu Natal Province of South Africa. This
aim was fulfilled and supported with the research objectives, to determine the relationship
between biographical factors of education qualifications, to ascertain relationship between
non-financial incentives and performance level and to ascertain the relationship between
financial incentives and performance level.
The purpose of incentive schemes is to influence employees to achieve higher performance
in the workplace. To confirm this purpose in ALM, this study assess the extent to which
incentive encourage employees to higher performance.
The incentive factor and the quality of working life needs to get the attention of the
management to be able for improve the employees performance. It is essential that employees
in municipalities enjoy some kind of incentive system to motivate and raise their level of
performance, like other public sector employees, municipal workers in South Africa have
different needs to satisfy; these needs include the need for recognition, respect and superior
approval, flexible working hours, work autonomy, as well as the ability to self-development.
Considering these needs, it is important to state that non-financial incentives are likely to
motivate employees in public organisations, including ALM employees.
The research design used in this study was the quantitative approach, a high response rate
of 100% was obtained using the personal method of data collection, and questionnaire was
structured in a seven point Likert scale format. The Statistical Package for Social Science
(SPSS) version 24.0 for Windows was used for statistical analysis of the main responses. A
stratified random sampling technique was applied in selecting the 150 permanent employees
from the various departments into several and mutual strata in ALM.
A thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Master of Management Sciences (Business Administration), Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2019.
Incentive, Employee performance