Petals of activism : elucidating notions of feminism in the works of Helen Nzete
Adewumi, Kehinde Christopher
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The ongoing patriarchal hegemony in African societies and other parts of
the world has fostered diverse feminist reactions both verbally and visually. This
paper considers the works of Helen Nzete, a contemporary female artist who
employs her mixed-media creations in confronting the patriarchal strongholds of
her society, Nigeria. Helen’s second solo exhibition titled “V is for . . . ” tells a story of
the female existence without rights in African societies. Thus, she aligns her
thoughts and agitations with several other female artists such as Zanele Muholi,
and the Guerrilla Girls in protesting against the socio-political imbalance that exists
in their societies. To properly understand the form, content and context of Helen’s V
is for . . . , this paper employs the visual semiotic theory as a tool to deconstruct the
symbolic paradigms of the artist’s works. The paper establishes that Helen’s works
were created as a form of feminist activism against unfair structures in society
which promote the commodification, objectification and dehumanization of the
female. Her works (re)present the woman as a figure of beauty, influence and
Art and feminism, Helen Nzete, Art for activism, Feminist art and the vulva, Contemporary female artists
Adewumi, C.K. 2023. Petals of activism: elucidating notions of feminism in the works of Helen Nzete. Cogent Arts & Humanities. 10(1). doi:10.1080/23311983.2023.2247230