The effects of colibacillinum and co-trimoxazole on the growth and cellular morphology of Escherichia coli
Moolla, Farhana
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The purpose of this investigation was to determine the effect of Colibacillinum and co-trimoxazole in terms of it's effect on the growth rate and cellular morphology of E. coli in order to contribute towards the understanding of the use of Colibacillinum in E. coli infections. The strain of E. coli used in this study was isolated from a patient with cystitis. The experiment consisted of 2 trials. During the first trial, E.coli was tested for sensitivity to co-trimoxazole. The method of choice was the serial-dilution-agar-plating procedure. Samples were removed Oh, 6h, 12h, 24h and 48h after inoculation, serially diluted' and incubated for 24h. During the second trial, E. coli was tested for sensitivity to Colibacillinum 5CH, 7CH, 9CH, 12CH and 15CH by employing the method stated above. From the data obtained the growth rate, specific growth rate, maximum cell population reached and lag phase were computed. Colibacillinum 7CH proved to be the most effective potency, of the various potencies tested. Colibacillinum 7CH reduced the maximum population by 41.5% and cotrimoxazole reduced the maximum population by 97% relative to the maximum population of the control. The maximum specific growth rate of the E.coli treated with Colibacillinum 7CH increased by 0.609% and that treated with co-trimoxazole decreased by 67.33% when compared to the maximum specific growth rate of the control. The in vitro results indicate that co-trimoxazole is a far superior bacteriostatic chemotherapeutic agent than Colibacillinum. This is further supported by the changes in cellular morphology observed during scanning electron microscopy. The E. coli treated with co-trimoxazole was found to be shorter in length and irregular when compared to E. coli treated with Colibacillinum 7CH. Definitive conclusions could not be drawn from the results therefore Colibacillinum cannot be recommended as a front line agent in the treatment of cystitis. It's use in the treatment of E. coli infections, in conjunction with other forms of treatment, either homoeopathic or allopathic, may only be recommended once further studies have been conducted.
Dissertation submitted in partial compliance with the requirements for the Master's Diploma in Technology: Homoeopathy, Technikon Natal, Durban, South Africa, 1995.