Intelligent use of maritime info-communication systems in developing environments
Kapidani, Nexhat
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The doctoral dissertation entitled “Intelligent use of maritime info-communication systems
in developing environments” examines to which extent some maritime entities in developing
countries use rationally (intelligently or smartly) Information Communication Technology and
Systems (ICT&S). In addition, the dissertation examines readiness of considered maritime
entities to introduce and adopt novel, sophisticated ICT&S in the future. In this regard, the
explorative, comparative and causal studies have been carried out in several maritime
companies in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Greece, Italia, Montenegro, Serbia,
Slovenia, and South Africa. The objectives of these studies were contemporary maritime
ICT&S like Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), Port Community System (PCS), Enterprise
Resource Planning (ERP), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Electronic Logistics
Marketplace (ELM), Blockchain Technology (BCT), Vessel Traffic Monitoring Information
System (VTMIS), THETIS System as a part of Port State Control (PSC), SafeSeaNet (SSN),
European Common Information Sharing Environment (CISE), Sea Traffic Management
(STM), e-Navigation, e-Maritime, Maritime Cloud, Common Maritime Communication
Platform (CMCP), (Satellite) Automatic Identification System ((S)AIS), Electronic Chart
Display and Information System (ECDIS), Long Range Identification and Tracking (LRIT),
Maritime Surveillance Service (MSS), Earth Observation Services (EOS), Satellite-based Oil
Spill Detection System (SOSDS), Oil Spill Prediction Modeling System (OSPMS), Maritime
Single Window (MSW) or Maritime Single Environment (MSE), Digital Twins (DT), and
Autonomous aerial/sea surface/underwater Vehicles (AxV). The number and capacities of
these complex, contemporary ICT&S speak in favor of rapid and huge digital changes in
maritime. Developing countries, with generally vertically integrated administration and
transitional economy, challenging operating environments, along with fragile social freedom,
face numerous impediments in implementing these ICT&S. Therefore, the goal of this
dissertation is to identify challenges in new digital technologies adoption and in achieving
related innovation success in the emerging countries, including South Africa and proper
solution options to addressing these challenges, using the best international practice.
Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the Doctor of Engineering degree: Electrical Power Engineering, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2023.
Information Communication Technology and Systems (ICT&S), Port Community System (PCS), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)