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Statistics for DUT Open Scholar - DEV

Total visits

Assessment and implementation of skills development at Umzinyathi District Municipality and impact on service delivery 55145
Corporate social investment : communication challenges facing selected Johannesburg Securities Exchange listed organisations 26306
Impact of Batho Pele principles on service delivery : a case study of the Durban regional office of the Department of Home Affairs 16704
Store layout and its impact on consumer purchasing behaviour at convenience stores in Kwa Mashu 16123
Addressing student dropout rates at South African universities 14296
Organizational culture and employee commitment : a case study 13089
Customer perception of service quality at the Business Studies Unit of the Durban University of Technology 10966
A HACCP study on yoghurt manufacture 10381
Impact of staff turnover on organizational effectiveness and employee performance at the Department of Home Affairs in the Eastern Cape Province 9754
The impact of strategy change on morale, performance and commitment 9028